The longings of the human heart

Course Description

Each participant would be able to go deep into a personal introspection about his/her own identity, his/her own values, habits, motivations, personal longings and the status of each of their own people whom they love most. As a consequence, in each participant could arise the necessity to begin, or to retake, or to intensify the goal of achieving his/her own best version of his/her own self. This would be manifested in the determination of establishing personal goals in their deepening of their own identity and family life, as well as in their strengthening of their own physical and mental health, which would bring about a freer personality permeated by interior peace. In short words, this seminar consists in establishing the way in which each one could constantly strive for a continuous liberation of their personal freedom in order for each participant to continuously increase his/her own self-esteem and, consequently, to be able to experience, to develop and to transmit the highest degree of his/her own personality imbued by interior peace.

Module 1

THE LONGING FOR GOODNESS. Each participant will understand that his/her own personal story is unique, unrepeatable, and has the purpose of pursuing happiness. However, the ambiguous happiness, as well as unreachable in its fullness, could clearly be grasped as the common purpose we all have in life, namely, that there is goodness in this world, and it’s worth living and fighting for it.

Module 2

THE LONGING FOR TRUTH. Each participant will understand that part of their happy life consists not only in knowing the truth, but to experience it as well. By this, we mean that, such as we demand to know the truth and not being deceived by others, we also yearn for always speaking and transmitting the truth to everyone and, therefore, experiencing the freedom and peace resulting from always uttering, announcing and declaring what is true, whereas the experience of stress and uneasiness is what is felt when we decide to express deliberately something that it is no true.

Module 3

THE LONGING FOR LIFE. Besides being so clear that we want, as much as we can, to preserve our life and to enhance its quality, each participant will understand that the temporariness of this life leads to the yearning for eternity and transcendence. Each one will be able to reflect upon the fact that no one truly desires to end his/her own identity at the imminent death which awaits us all. Funerals entail desiring some sort of permanence, continuity, remaining being somehow who we are. This understanding could give us a renovated meaning of this life and the purpose of living it at its highest quality possible, as well as free from mental and physical maladies as possible.

Module 4

THE LONGING FOR LOVE. A great author said: “Man cannot live without love. He remains a being that is incomprehensible for himself, his life is senseless, if love is not revealed to him, if he does not encounter love, if he does not experience it and make it his own, if he does not participate intimately in it.” There is no greater longing of the human heart than love. We want to be loved, we need to be loved and, as a consequence of the spontaneous gratitude it brings about in our heart, our human life finds its meaning in loving others through our becoming a sincere gift of ourselves.

Module 5

THE LONGING FOR JUSTICE (FORGIVENESS). Despite being undebatable that we always demand justice and despise injustice, when we are those who must be judged by others, our yearning will always be to receive justice by way of forgiveness and to be granted another opportunity to amend ourselves. Each participant will be able to reflect in the freedom and peace which result when we are those who impart justice by way of forgiving the aggressor.

Module 6

THE LONGING FOR BEAUTY. After understanding that human persons are the only species which produces art (paintings, music, sculptures, photography, poetry, etc.) for the sake of enjoying its contemplation, the goal of this module will be to understand that there is nothing more beautiful, enigmatic, mysterious and fascinating that a human person, his/her own uniqueness, freedom, unrepeatable identity and capacity to love, as well as the immense potential and human capacities beyond any imagination.

Module 7

THE LONGING FOR GOD. Each participant will understand the fact that there are two great enigmatic mysteries which humanity cannot avoid confronting and demanding an answer about them: a) The natural question about the origin of the universe, which, at the end, in order to be satisfactory, demands an answer in supernatural terms; b) the human question about suffering and death which, at the end, in order to be satisfactory, demands an answer in superhuman terms, leading to the acknowledgment of the existence of God, whom we can know by reason as Supreme Being, Absolute Being, Eternal Being, Almighty Being, etc. The great confrontation will be to face the fact that we cannot know Who this God is, unless He reveals Himself. Here it is when we will begin talking about Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word of God.

Module 8

THE LONGING FOR PEACE. Besides being a clear longing of the human heart both exterior and interior peace, interior peace is the result of having being able to discover, to reflect upon and to decide to pursue them every day each of the longings of our human heart.


Grand Rue 92
CP: 1248
CH- 1820 Montreux 1

Call us: +41 21 501 73 21
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