Rochat Blog

Graduation Ceremony

Rochat School of Business held a virtual ceremony last week for 9 graduates from the Rochat MBA program. Leaders from both Rochat and Qualfon were in attendance. We want to congratulate all of the graduates for this academic achievement, and as part of the alliance between Rochat and Qualfon allowing them to participate in the

Rochat 2021 Spring Trimester

Rochat School of Business started the Spring trimester on January 4th, 2021.111 students started their courses on our online learning platform “Its Learning” taking classes with our international faculty. Our students from different programs both in English and Spanish will be taking several courses including: Fundamentos de Economía Fundamentos de Derecho Tecnologías de la Información

Overcoming Fear

The time of year, when we set goals and make resolutions is here. But every year, we seem to revisit the same goals because we fail to take action and make our goals a reality. It’s not that we lack motivation.  Often, what gets in our way is fear. Fear paralyzes us. It makes us

Campfire – Episode 1

Listen to the first of the monthly podcasts of Rochat School of Business “Campfire” Episode 1 with one of Rochat’s founding board members Bryan Holden.

Mexico’s Graduation

Rochat School of Business alongside Qualfon Education celebrated a graduation ceremony last month in Mexico City, the ceremony was held both onsite and virtually to honor all of the students in the Continuing Education programs with the partnership between Rochat and Qualfon for Skill Development and Specializations. Congratulations graduates, you inspire us all!

10,000+ Enrollments

Rochat School of Business reached a major milestone of 10,000+ enrollments since 2017 with the latest round of enrollments in November. In all our Continuing Education Programs and Degree Programs. Our total enrollment across all programs 10,234.

How to Build Confidence

Two of the greatest chess players in the world, Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov, sat across each other as the 1990 World Chess Championship was about to begin. These two long time rivals would play 24 games, 12 in New York and 12 in Lyon, France. Whoever won most games would be declared World Chess

Rochat First Graduate

Rochat School of Business held a virtual ceremony last week for the first graduate from the Master of Business Administration program. We want to congratulate Richard Scott Bell for his academic achievement in our MBA program. Also, Mr. Bell was part of the alliance between Rochat and Qualfon allowing him to participate in the tuition

Student Testimonial

Rochat School of Business invites you to listen to your peer and Rochat student Krishnan Subramanian talking about his experience in the Master of Business Administration program and how he is taking advantage of the reduced tuition agreement that Rochat has with Qualfon allowing him to study his MBA while working full-time. We at Rochat

The 1% Rule

Most people believe that to achieve great big goals, they need to take significant big steps. But the truth is, success is a process of accumulating gradual improvements- a journey of taking small but constant steps in the right direction. In Japanese culture, this philosophy is called kaizen, which means “continuous improvement in personal life,