Advanced Degree Diplomas.

ADD a step to your degree program

The Advanced Degree Diplomas are Specialization Programs that provide the knowledge and tools to perform in specialized areas of the Business or Organization. It is a high academic training for professionals who would like to become more knowledgeable and skillful towards becoming a successful executive.

Degree Path

The way our Advanced Degree Diplomas have been designed, participants receive not only the Diploma, but also academic credits that add towards Rochat School of Business MBA program. The student chooses to study a specific program or programs, and then if they decide to do so, they can complete the courses needed and earn their MBA Degree Diploma.

Advanced Degree Diplomas.

At Rochat School of Business, we offer different Advanced Degree Diploma programs for working adults.

Global Business.-

The ADD in Global Business is designed for executives that need to understand the Global Business
Dynamics and how the different elements of the International Business Setting interact. From the
international strategy to the understanding of the basic economic and financial interactions, as well as how
to manage international human resources, Global Business gives the executive the knowledge to be able
to function effectively in the complex international business arena, interacting with different cultures around
the world.

5 Courses / 10 Months

1.- Global Business Strategies
2.- International Finance
3.- International Marketing
4.- International Human Resources Management
5.- International Business Economics

Taking 2 courses per trimester
(*) The order of the subjects may vary due to the offer available at the time.

Degree Path

This ADD will help you earn a Master of Business Administration

After completing a ADD program you will receive MBA credits, by completing both ADD you will have the possibility to also receive our Rochat
School of Business MBA Degree, you just need to take these 4 additional courses:

• Managerial Accounting
• Ethics and Values
• Research Seminar
• International Business Law

Business Tools.-

The ADD in Business Tools gathers the most important business tools an executive needs in todays dynamic business
environment. The different tools provided with these ADD include Management, Leadership, Negotiations, Planning and
many other tools required today in the organizations.

The ADD in Business Tools provides the executive with practical, on site and immediate application of the most relevant
business tools needed today. It’s not only about acquiring new knowledge, it’s about the practical application of the new
acquired tools, putting them to work and watching the results in the day to day operation of business.

5 Courses / 10 Months
1.- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2.- Strategic Management and Planning
3.- Negotiation and Conflict Management
4.- Information technology and Decision Making
5.- Leadership

Taking 2 courses per trimester
(*) The order of the subjects may vary due to the offer available at the time.

Degree Path

This ADD will help you earn a Master of Business Administration

After completing a ADD program you will receive MBA credits, by completing both ADD you will have the possibility to also receive our Rochat
School of Business MBA Degree, you just need to take these 4 additional courses:

• Managerial Accounting
• Ethics and Values
• Research Seminar
• International Business Law

Advanced Degree Diplomas.

  • Completed online application form
  • Certificate of your highest level of education (Diploma and Transcript)
  • Official valid photo ID (passport, national ID, driver’s license)
  • Online interview with the Admissions Coordinator
  • Tuition fee (Enterprise agreement)

Technical Requirements

  • Computer equipment (RAM memory of 2GB or higher)
  • Internet connection (Broadband of 1Mb or higher)
  • Internet browser Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox

Advanced Degree Diplomas.

  • 01Make sure that you meet all of the academic and technical requirements.
  • 02Register in our online admissions system and fill out your application.
  • 03Upload your documents to the online admissions system and submit them through your representative.
  • 04Schedule your video conference interview through the admissions system.

Advanced Degree Diplomas.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees at Rochat School of Business can be paid in full or in installments according to the payment plan below. You may be eligible for generous tuition fee discounts through your employer!

Advanced Degree

Program cost $2,700 USD
(10 months)
$270 USD Monthly

Enterprise Reduced Tuition Agreement

Rochat has institutional agreements with a variety of companies around the world. Our enterprise alliance enables employees to work and study in any of our online programs with a generous employee tuition discount. For more information about the Enterprise Reduced Tuition Agreement, please contact a Rochat Representative in your region, or contact our Admissions Coordinator (
